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Belle's Green House

Button Fern

Button Fern

Regular price $14.99 USD
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Do you want an easier-to-grow fern that doesn’t need as much humidity as other ferns, and that stays a manageable size? The indoor button fern is a great option for you. Button fern houseplants are small and low-growing ferns with arching fronds of beautiful, round leaflets. They are native to New Zealand and are not as fussy as the majority of other ferns. This plant is not to be confused with the lemon button fern, which is a completely different plant (Nephrolepsis cordifolia).  

Light: Bright indirect light to part shade at most is best for these plants. Although these are more tolerant of low humidity compared to other ferns, they still like high humidity (at least 50 percent humidity). Set the plants on a humidity tray or use a humidifier in the room. Bathrooms are great places to grow these plants, assuming that there is enough light there.  
Watering: Another nice part of having a button fern as a houseplant is that they tolerate drier soil better than other ferns. You should allow the top of the soil to dry out a bit before watering again. Button ferns like a peat-based potting mix to which perlite has been added to improve drainage. They also prefer shallower pots versus deep pots

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