Belle's Green House
Gold Dust Aucuba, Aucuba Japonica
Gold Dust Aucuba, Aucuba Japonica
Sprinkle a bit of color in your indoor garden with Gold Dust Aucuba. Its golden-yellow flecked leaves are sure to brighten your houseplant collection.
Gold dust also known as Japanese Laurel and Japanese Aucuba is grown as a shrub outdoors in zones 7 to 9, but it adapts well to indoor growing conditions.
Grow it in a cool, 50 to 65 degree, brightly lit location. Keep the soil evenly moist from spring through fall when the plant is actively growing. Reduce watering frequency during the winter.
Group it with other plants or place it on a gravel tray. Place pebbles or marbles in the plant saucer. Keep water in the saucer and set the plant on the pebbles above the water level. As the water evaporates, it increases the humidity around the plant.
And occasionally wipe the dust off the large leaves with a damp cloth.